1 x palm as pictured
Tremolite has energies that are very similar to Serpentine and helps assist in your chakra realignment and emotional release. Both stones contribute protection and love to the heart in hopes of re-establishing a true connection within. Through this self-love experience, you can release deep emotional wounds that may weigh on you dearly. Working with Tremolite daily can invoke a potent grounding vibration that you will feel to your core. This crystal can help you live in the physical present moment in hopes of realigning the connection to the natural world around you. The combination of minerals that Tremolite is comprised of contributes to the unique energies that this crystal emanates!
Some suggestions of these crystals we love to work with include Jade, Serpentine, Green Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Green Calcite, Diopside, and Malachite.